Lessons Learned
- E has been dropped from the end of several words.
- one became on.
- downe became down.
- grownde became ground.
- rownde became round.
- woemen became women.
- meate became meat (or perhaps meal).
- sorte became sort.
- suche became such.
- verye became very.
- eatinge became eating.
- trinkinge became drinking.
- beaste became beast.
- flesche became flesh.
- fishe became fish.
- consequentlye became consequently.
- longe became long.
- doe became do.
- therof added an e to become thereof.
- mids added a final t to become midst.
- The double t at the end of some words became a single t.
- matt is now mat.
- sett is now set.
- Double u has in some cases been replaced by a single u.
- grownde is now ground.
- rownde is now round.
- V and U reversed places in some words.
- vppon became upon.
- liued became lived.
- Y and I reversed places in other words.
- yt became it.
- mayz became maize.
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original web posting: Thursday, July 8, 1999
last modified:
Saturday, March 28, 2009