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Hangman is one of the simplest and most versatile of all word games.  As students of all ages and ability levels love it, it is an ideal way to start almost any class.  Simply choose a word or phrase that is central to the day's lesson, and convert it into the day's game.  Here's how.

Move to

the basic game a more complex game a game for sophisticated players
  1. The basic game
  1. Choose a word or phrase with which to work.
  2. Count its letters (include spaces as letters if using a phrase).
  3. On the board, draw a row of distinct underlines; one for each letter/space you counted.
  4. Review the rules
  1. Play the game according to the rules.

  1. A game that is a bit more complex
  1. Choose a word or phrase with which to work.
  2. Count its letters (include spaces as letters if using a phrase).
  3. Give each student a slip of paper with a row of underlined blank spaces, one for each letter and space in the word/phrase; and an alphabet with which to eliminate used letters.


hangman.pdf  To view this file you'll need the free Acrobat Reader plug-in. 

Word 97 (Hang97.doc)

Word 95 (Hang95.doc)

Macintosh Word 5 (Hang_M5.doc)

  1. Review the rules
  1. Play the game according to the rules.

  1. A game for sophisticated players ready for more complexity
  1. Choose a word or phrase with which to work.
  2. Count its letters (include spaces as letters if using a phrase).
  3. Give each student a slip of paper with a row of numbered, underlined blank spaces, one for each letter and space in the word/phrase; and an alphabet with which to eliminate used letters.


hangman2.pdf  To view this file you'll need the free Acrobat Reader plug-in. 

Word 97 (Hang2_97.doc)

Word 95 (Hang2_95.doc)

Macintosh Word 5 (Hang2_M5.doc)

  1. Review the rules
  1. Play the game according to the rules.

Should you or your students want to play hangman on the world wide web, All Mixed Up has a hangman site.  Give it a try.

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original web posting: Wednesday, December 22, 1999
last modified: Saturday, May 02, 2009